Navigating the Akashic Records:

Personalized Guidance and Healing with


Navigating the Akashic Records: Personalized Guidance and Healing with Vandana

During our one-on-one Session, I'll access your 'Akashic Records'. The Akashic Record is a huge database that consists of every soul's knowledge, thoughts, and experiences, including those of past, present, and future events. This session will help you discover the behavior pattern that holds you back and find ways to make your future brighter.

Why do you need to

Navigate Akashic Records?

Setbacks, failures, or challenges are part and parcel of life, but the problem arises if these things become

constant. Then you have to find the reason for that. And that's where "Navigating Akashic Records" comes to

your aid.

Setbacks, failures, or challenges are part and parcel of life, but the problem arises if these things become constant. Then you have to find the reason for that. And that's where "Navigating Akashic Records" comes to

your aid.

My Akashic Records Consultation, combined with a Deep Healing session, will

  • Reveal the essence of your life's purpose and soul lessons.
  • Show how your past shapes your life now.
  • Heal old patterns and unblock energy meridians that stop your growth.
  • Balance your energy centers and energy fields.
  • Unlock your chakras and aura for optimal well-being.
  • Release emotional and spiritual burdens, freeing you to live more fully.
  • Start significant changes that bring the wisdom of the Records into your everyday life.

"Navigating the Akashic Records" Session Details

What you will get?

  • This one-on-one Session provides you with insights and resolutions that are both practical and spiritually enriching.
  • The additional healing service ensures holistic spiritual and personal development by offering a harmonized balance of knowledge and wellness.
  • Whether you're seeking understanding, guidance, or healing, the "Navigating Akashic Records" session is bound to help.

How the session will be conducted

This is a one-on-one session occurring online. You can access the service from the comfort of your home.

  • DURATION 90 Minutes (Each Session)

  • PRICE $250

Hear from My Satisfied Clients

“I had my first healing and Akashic Records Reading sessions with Vandana and it was such an amazing and fulfilling experience.”

Shruti Sinha

“Vandana helped me to release the unwanted burden and limiting thoughts that has holding me from ages.”

Tanveer Anam

“By going within and releasing old thought patterns and attachments. Then by creating in thougt and sight on how my life will be. All this is very empowering yet very humbling.”

Ray Cordier

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