Clearing Pathways: An Immersive

Journey to Self-Realization

Clearing Pathways: An Immersive Journey to Self-Realization

Discover 'Clearing Pathways', my signature program, drawing from three decades of expertise in Quantum Energy Healing. This 12-week course is designed to guide you through a transformative journey with group meditations and insightful lessons. Dive deep into overcoming limiting beliefs, unlock your true potential, and steer towards a life filled with clarity and spiritual empowerment. Embrace this journey to self-realization and harness the power of your inner wisdom.

Discover 'Clearing Pathways', my signature program, drawing from three decades of expertise in Quantum Energy

Healing. This 12-week course is designed to guide you through a transformative journey with group meditations

and insightful lessons. Dive deep into overcoming limiting beliefs, unlock your true potential, and steer towards a

life filled with clarity and spiritual empowerment. Embrace this journey to self-realization and harness the power

of your inner wisdom.

Details of The “Clearing Pathways”

Details of The “Clearing


Embark on the transformative journey of 'Clearing Pathways', a meticulously crafted series of 12 sessions

spanning 12 weeks. Each session is dedicated to uncovering and healing a distinct aspect of your Quantum

Energy Field, offering a deeply immersive experience in a live, weekly format. Join a community of like-minded

individuals, engaging in cathartic meditations and healing practices. This series is expertly designed to dissolve

energetic blockages, open pathways for personal growth, and deepen your connection with your inner self.

It's a journey towards clarity and rejuvenation, transforming all areas of your life through the power of

energetic healing.

Embark on the transformative journey of 'Clearing Pathways', a meticulously crafted series of 12

sessions spanning 12 weeks. Each session is

dedicated to uncovering and healing a distinct

aspect of your Quantum Energy Field, offering a

deeply immersive experience in a live, weekly format.

Join a community of like-minded individuals,

engaging in cathartic meditations and healing

practices. This series is expertly designed to dissolve

energetic blockages, open pathways for personal

growth, and deepen your connection with your inner

self. It's a journey towards clarity and rejuvenation,

transforming all areas of your life through the power

of energetic healing.

WEEK 1 - Liberate the Past, Embrace the Future

Ancestral Healing is a deep dive into family lineage, aimed at releasing inherited patterns and traumas to enable generational healing and freedom. This profound journey of reconnection with one's roots transforms inherited narratives, fostering a legacy of wellness and empowerment, all under the benevolent guidance and blessings of your ancestors.

WEEK 2 - Ignite Your Inner Flame

Embark on a journey within your energy field to ignite the inner flame of self-discovery. Uncover hidden talents and latent wisdom, creating a personal energy space that resonates with your true essence. This path leads to alignment with your core being, revealing the authentic self.

WEEK 3 - Embrace the Infinite Flow

By connecting with the energy of pure source, or universal consciousness, you invite an infinite flow of this energy to purify and recalibrate your quantum field. This alignment with the divine source ensures harmony and synchronization. In this process, you will dissolve barriers, heal past traumas, and fortify your quantum field, paving the way for a deeper spiritual connection and well-being.

Week 4 - Transform and Prosper

Your money energies are crucial for financial wellness. Explore your subconscious to identify and resolve energetic blocks affecting your money relationship, enhancing the flow of abundance into your life.

WEEK 5 - Unlock the Power of Cellular Awakening and DNA Activation

Cellular awakening rejuvenates each cell, unlocking new levels of consciousness and healing. DNA activation flips the switches in our genetic code, accessing untapped potential and accelerating spiritual growth. Utilise the hidden powers within you.

WEEK 6 - Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing is a nurturing process that heals the child within, liberating you from past traumas. This journey fosters authenticity and rekindles joy, deepening your connection with self. It's a crucial step towards holistic healing in your adult life, paving the way for true emotional and spiritual well-being.

WEEK 7 - Manifestation Mastery

Unlock your inherent magical abilities to manifest your deepest desires. By harnessing the power of intention and belief, you can transform your aspirations into reality. This process is a masterful fusion of concentrated thought and vibrant energy, perfectly aligning your inner vision with the universe's flow. Embrace this journey to materialize the changes you seek in your life.

WEEK 8 - Illuminate the Grid

Activating the merkabah is key to higher consciousness and spiritual growth, aligning our energies for a deeper universal connection. Illuminating the energy grid opens doors to multidimensional awareness and interconnectedness, essential for spiritual awakening and self-realization.

WEEK 9 - Intuition Unleashed

Tap into your inner wisdom and unlock the natural, intuitive guidance that resides within. It's a journey of honing your innate sixth sense, enabling you to perceive beyond the tangible and navigate life with a deeper sense of knowing and clarity. This awakening of intuition empowers you to make decisions aligned with your true self, leading to a life of greater harmony and fulfilment.

WEEK 10 - Unite Your Soul's Dual Forces

Harmonizing the soul's dual forces, the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, is key to inner balance. The Divine Feminine, nurturing intuition and creativity, complements the Divine Masculine's action and strength. This equilibrium fosters a life of intuitive wisdom and purposeful action, unlocking your soul's full potential.

WEEK 11 - Organ Rejuvenation

Organ Rejuvenation focuses on awakening your body's innate healing power, recognizing and enhancing its natural ability to rejuvenate and restore each organ to optimal health and function.

WEEK 12 - Transforming Grief and Navigating Loss

Embracing healing energies during loss is a path to resilience and hope. It's about finding inner strength and compassion to navigate grief, guiding you towards acceptance and peace, and gently rebuilding balance in the heart and mind.

How to Access

The “Clearing Pathways” Series?

You can access each session of this transformative workshop in 4 easy steps.

Step 1: Click on the “Join The Workshop” button.

Step 2: Select the Workshop you want to be part of.

Step 3: Fill up your “Contact Details.”

Step 4: Complete the checkout of $99.

Soon, you will get a registration confirmation email on your registered email ID.

You will get the “Zoom” link to join the workshop 24 hrs. before the workshop starts.

You will also get access to the workshop video after completion of the workshop.

Here’s What You’ll Experience in Each 90 Minutes Session.

First 30 Minutes: Grounding and Learning: Begin with a centering and intention-setting exercise to prepare yourself for the session, accompanied by content to build knowledge about the day's topic.

Next 45 Minutes: Meditation and Visualization: A deep meditation session related to the workshop. I will guide you through a step-by-step meditation process to work on the intent for the day and clear the path toward personal growth and healing.

Last 15 Minutes: Integration and Reflection: You can share your experience and get to know the thoughts of other group members about the session. It will give you more clarity and understanding. In this segment, I will address the observations of group members during the meditation.

That is not all,

As a Spiritual Coach and Healer, I am

dedicated to uplifting you in every aspect of

your life.

That is why, after joining the workshop, You

will also get,

That is not all,

As a Spiritual Coach and Healer, I am dedicated to uplifting you in every aspect of your life.

That is why, after joining the workshop, You will also get,

Access to the Workshop video and Meditation

audio file so that you can practice it regularly.

Access to the Workshop video and Meditation audio file so that you

can practice it regularly.

Access to join the Facebook group “Clearing

Pathways” to clear your doubts and be among like-

minded people so that you stay motivated.

See what my clients say about the Workshops

See what my clients say about the


“The entire process from journaling to the meditation was very powerful.”

Nita George

“There is a kind of harmonizing sense of clarity gained by allowing a real-time view of self in a moment.”

Ray Cordier

“I was completely immersed. Even after the session was over I continue to feel light and sorted for most part of my day. ”

“I was completely immersed. Even after the session was over I continue to feel light and sorted for most part of my

day. ”

Kriti Mukherjee

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