One on One Sessions With Vandana Sinha

Discover a path to deeper self-awareness and healing with me, Vandana Sinha, your guide in Quantum Energy Healing.

My personalized sessions are crafted to offer you profound insights into the Akashic Records, Chakra Mastery, Angel Healing, and Theta Depths, guiding you toward achieving balance, clarity, and fulfillment in life. With each session tailored to your unique journey, I aim to unlock the doors to your deepest potential and illuminate the path to your highest self.

One on One Sessions With Vandana Sinha

Discover a path to deeper self-awareness and healing with me, Vandana Sinha, your guide in Quantum Energy Healing.

My personalized sessions are crafted to offer you profound insights into the Akashic Records, Chakra Mastery, Angel Healing, and Theta Depths, guiding you toward achieving balance, clarity, and fulfillment in life. With each session tailored to your unique journey, I aim to unlock the doors to your deepest potential and illuminate the path to your highest self.

Navigating the Akashic Records: Personalized Guidance and Healing

Unlock the secrets of your soul's journey with me in one-on-one Akashic Records sessions.

Together, we'll discover the patterns that hold you back and identify pathways to a brighter future through the vast expanse of cosmic knowledge.

My goal is to guide you through this exploration, revealing the deeper narratives of your life and empowering you with the insights needed to navigate your journey with clarity and purpose.

Navigating the Akashic Records: Personalized Guidance and Healing

Unlock the secrets of your soul's journey with me in one-on-one Akashic Records sessions. Together, we'll discover the patterns that hold you back and identify pathways to a brighter future through the vast expanse of cosmic knowledge. My goal is to guide you through this exploration, revealing the deeper narratives of your life and empowering you with the insights needed to navigate your journey with clarity and purpose.

Why do you need to

Navigate Akashic Records?

Setbacks, failures, or challenges are part and parcel of life, but the problem arises if these things become constant. Then you have to find the reason for that. And that's where "Navigating Akashic Records" comes to your aid.

My Akashic Records Consultation, combined with a Deep Healing session, will

Reveal the essence of your life's purpose and soul lessons.

Show how your past shapes your life now.

Heal old patterns and unblock energy meridians that stop your growth.

Balance your energy centers and energy fields.

Unlock your chakras and aura for optimal well-being.

Release emotional and spiritual burdens, freeing you to live more fully.

Start significant changes that bring the wisdom of the Records into your everyday life.

Why do you need to

Navigate Akashic Records?

Setbacks, failures, or challenges are part and parcel of life, but the problem arises if these things become constant. Then you have to find the reason for that. And that's where "Navigating Akashic Records" comes to your aid.

My Akashic Records Consultation, combined with a Deep Healing

session, will

Reveal the essence of your life's purpose and soul lessons.

Show how your past shapes your life now.

Heal old patterns and unblock energy meridians that stop your growth.

Balance your energy centers and energy fields.

Unlock your chakras and aura for optimal well-being.

Release emotional and spiritual burdens, freeing you to live more fully.

Start significant changes that bring the wisdom of the Records into your

everyday life.

"Navigating the Akashic Records" Session Details, What you will get?

This one-on-one Session provides you with insights and resolutions that are both practical and spiritually enriching.

The additional healing service ensures holistic spiritual and personal development by offering a harmonized balance of knowledge and wellness.

Whether you're seeking understanding, guidance, or healing, the "Navigating Akashic Records" session is bound to help.

Session Details:

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: $250

Format: Online

"Navigating the Akashic Records" Session Details,

What you will get?

This one-on-one Session provides you with insights and resolutions that are both practical and spiritually enriching.

The additional healing service ensures holistic spiritual and personal development by offering a harmonized balance of knowledge and wellness.

Whether you're seeking understanding, guidance, or healing, the "Navigating Akashic Records" session is bound to help.

Session Details

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: $250

Format: Online

Chakra Mastery: From Core Grounding to Cosmic Awakening – Levels 1 & 2

Level 1: Aura Cleanse and Chakra Alignment

Begin your journey with a personalized session focused on achieving energetic harmony across your traditional seven chakras, fostering inner balance and spiritual rejuvenation.

Chakra Mastery: From Core Grounding to Cosmic Awakening – Levels 1 & 2

Level 1: Aura Cleanse and Chakra Alignment

Begin your journey with a personalized session focused on achieving energetic harmony across your traditional seven chakras, fostering inner balance and spiritual rejuvenation.

Traditional Seven Chakras Focus:

Root Chakra (Muladhara): Grounding to the Earth's energy, forming our physical existence's foundation.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Governing emotions and creativity, connecting to our expressive energies.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Fueling self-esteem and assertiveness, the seat of personal power.

Heart Chakra (Anahata): The love and compassion center, bridging the physical and spiritual.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Facilitating communication and expression, allowing truth to be spoken.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Enhancing intuition and insight, opening us to deeper consciousness.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Connecting us to divine enlightenment.

Session Benefits:

Cathartic Energy Field Cleanse: Clearing your energy field for a therapeutic release.

Chakra Reactivation and Balancing: Restoring energetic equilibrium within your chakras.

Energy Field Realignment: Clarifying your aura and removing obstructions for enhanced vibrancy.

Session Details:

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: $200

Format: Online

Traditional Seven Chakras Focus:

Root Chakra (Muladhara): Grounding to the Earth's energy, forming our physical existence's foundation.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Governing emotions and creativity, connecting to our expressive energies.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Fueling self-esteem and assertiveness, the seat of personal power.

Heart Chakra (Anahata): The love and compassion center, bridging the physical and spiritual.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Facilitating communication and expression, allowing truth to be spoken.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Enhancing intuition and insight, opening us to deeper consciousness.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Connecting us to divine enlightenment.

Session Benefits:

Cathartic Energy Field Cleanse: Clearing your energy field for a therapeutic release.

Chakra Reactivation and Balancing: Restoring energetic equilibrium within your chakras.

Energy Field Realignment: Clarifying your aura and removing obstructions for enhanced vibrancy.

Session Details:

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: $250

Format: Online

Level 2: Quantum Chakra Expansion

Advance to higher vibrational frequencies with the Quantum Chakra Expansion, aligning with cosmic consciousness and unlocking your spiritual essence.

Level 2: Quantum Chakra Expansion

Advance to higher vibrational frequencies with the Quantum Chakra Expansion, aligning with cosmic consciousness and unlocking your spiritual essence.

Explore the Quantum Chakras:

Earth Star Chakra: Secure your spiritual essence with deep Earth grounding, harmonizing ancestral energies for DNA healing.

Lunar Chakra: Harness the Divine Feminine, heighten intuition, and gain clarity on karmic paths.

Solar Chakra: Ignite co-creative power, embodying the Divine Masculine to manifest with intent.

Soul Star Chakra: Connect your soul's purpose to life's cosmic web, uncovering your unique soul blueprint.

Galactic Chakra: Open dialogues with galactic consciousness, receiving wisdom that spans dimensions.

Universal Chakra: Experience the union with the cosmos, understanding the interconnectedness of all existence.

Benefits of the Session

Energetic Attunement: Experience a session uniquely tailored to resonate with your personal energy signature.

Galactic Wisdom Access: Unlock the channels to celestial wisdom for an expanded universal perspective.

Soul Blueprint Activation: Receive guidance to align your earthly life with the higher calling of your soul.

Session Details:

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: $250

Format: Online

Explore the Quantum Chakras:

Earth Star Chakra: Secure your spiritual essence with deep Earth grounding, harmonizing ancestral energies for DNA healing.

Lunar Chakra: Harness the Divine Feminine, heighten intuition, and gain clarity on karmic paths.

Solar Chakra: Ignite co-creative power, embodying the Divine Masculine to manifest with intent.

Soul Star Chakra: Connect your soul's purpose to life's cosmic web, uncovering your unique soul blueprint.

Galactic Chakra: Open dialogues with galactic consciousness, receiving wisdom that spans dimensions.

Universal Chakra: Experience the union with the cosmos, understanding the interconnectedness of all existence.

Benefits of the Session

Energetic Attunement: Experience a session uniquely tailored to resonate with your personal energy signature.

Galactic Wisdom Access: Unlock the channels to celestial wisdom for an expanded universal perspective.

Soul Blueprint Activation: Receive guidance to align your earthly life with the higher calling of your soul.

Session Details:

Duration: 120 minutes

Price: $300

Format: Online

Angel Healing: Harmonizing with the Expanded Circle of Archangels

Connect deeply with the Archangels and your spiritual team in a session designed for divine guidance and profound healing, bringing you closer to celestial harmony.

What to Expect:

Setting Intentions: Start by identifying your personal intentions, focusing on areas for guidance, healing, or growth.

Relaxation and Grounding: Prepare through relaxation techniques to be receptive to the energies of the Archangels.

Invoking the Archangels:

Archangel Michael: For protection and strength.

Archangel Raphael: For physical and emotional healing.

Archangel Gabriel: For clarity in communication.

Archangel Uriel: For wisdom and intellectual enlightenment.

Archangel Ariel: For a deeper connection with nature.

Archangel Azrael: For comfort in times of transition.

Archangel Chamuel: For fostering love and peace.

Archangel Jophiel: For inviting beauty and positivity.

Archangel Metatron: For accessing higher knowledge.

Archangel Haniel: For enhancing intuition and grace.

Archangel Sandalphon: For grounding and spiritual communication.

Collaboration with Your Spiritual Team: Seamlessly integrate the wisdom and energies of the Archangels with the nurturing support of your spiritual team.

Energy Harmonization and Closure: Conclude with an energy balancing process, ensuring integration and rejuvenation.

Collaboration with Your Spiritual Team: Seamlessly integrate the wisdom and energies of the Archangels with the nurturing support of your spiritual team.

Energy Harmonization and Closure: Conclude with an energy balancing process, ensuring integration and rejuvenation.

Post-Session Reflection:

Discuss the insights gained during the session.

Receive guidance on maintaining your connection with the Archangels.

Session Details:

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: $250

Format: Online

Angel Healing: Harmonizing with the Expanded Circle of Archangels

Connect deeply with the Archangels and your spiritual team in a session designed for divine guidance and profound healing, bringing you closer to celestial harmony.

What to Expect:

Setting Intentions: Start by identifying your personal intentions, focusing on areas for guidance, healing, or growth.

Relaxation and Grounding: Prepare through relaxation techniques to be receptive to the energies of the Archangels.

Invoking the Archangels:

Archangel Michael: For protection and strength.

Archangel Raphael: For physical and emotional healing.

Archangel Gabriel: For clarity in communication.

Archangel Uriel: For wisdom and intellectual enlightenment.

Archangel Ariel: For a deeper connection with nature.

Archangel Azrael: For comfort in times of transition.

Archangel Chamuel: For fostering love and peace.

Archangel Jophiel: For inviting beauty and positivity.

Archangel Metatron: For accessing higher knowledge.

Archangel Haniel: For enhancing intuition and grace.

Archangel Sandalphon: For grounding and spiritual communication.

Collaboration with Your Spiritual Team: Seamlessly integrate the wisdom and energies of the Archangels with the nurturing support of your spiritual team.

Energy Harmonization and Closure: Conclude with an energy balancing process, ensuring integration and rejuvenation.

Collaboration with Your Spiritual Team: Seamlessly integrate the wisdom and energies of the Archangels with the nurturing support of your spiritual team.

Energy Harmonization and Closure: Conclude with an energy balancing process, ensuring integration and rejuvenation.

Post-Session Reflection:

Discuss the insights gained during the session.

Receive guidance on maintaining your connection with the Archangels.

Session Details:

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: $250

Format: Online

Theta Depths: Navigating the Subconscious for Transformational Healing

Dive deep into your subconscious with Theta Depths, a session leveraging the transformative power of Theta Healing to address core issues, fostering significant personal growth and healing.

Theta Depths: Navigating the Subconscious for Transformational Healing

Dive deep into your subconscious with Theta Depths, a session leveraging the transformative power of Theta Healing to address core issues, fostering significant personal growth and healing.

How "Theta Depths" Works:

A Six-Stage Process

1. Initial Consultation

Begin with a detailed understanding of your current state and specific areas you wish to explore for transformation.

2. Theta State Induction

Begin with a detailed understanding of your current state and specific areas you wish to explore for transformation.

3. Core Issue Identification

Begin with a detailed understanding of your current state and specific areas you wish to explore for transformation.

4. Belief Work

Address and transform limiting beliefs, aligning your mindset with your aspirations and true desires.

5. Energetic Clearing

Clear negative energies and obstacles, paving the way for healing and positive growth.

6. Integration

Consolidate the insights and shifts achieved during the session, allowing a realignment with your true potential and path.

Benefits of 'Theta Depths':

Emotional Release: Experience profound liberation from long-held emotions and traumas.

Clarity and Insight: Gain deeper understanding and clarity about your life path, relationships, and personal aspirations.

Physical Well-being: Tackle physical ailments and enhance overall health and wellness.

Spiritual Connection: Strengthen your intuitive bond with the universal life force, enhancing spiritual awareness and connectivity.

Session Details:

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: $250

Format: Online

Benefits of 'Theta Depths':

Emotional Release: Experience profound liberation from long-held emotions and traumas.

Clarity and Insight: Gain deeper understanding and clarity about your life path, relationships, and personal aspirations.

Physical Well-being: Tackle physical ailments and enhance overall health and wellness.

Spiritual Connection: Strengthen your intuitive bond with the universal life force, enhancing spiritual awareness and connectivity.

Session Details:

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: $250

Format: Online

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