The Sixth Plane – Of the Laws of Universe and The Akashic Library

January 19, 2023 | By Vandana Sinha

We have been exploring different dimensions of existence. The sixth plane of existence is home to ‘the laws of the universe’ and to ‘the Akashic library’. All are very high-level vibrations of consciousness and of knowledge.

The laws of the universe are governed by virtue and hold the universe together like a thin weave. They give structure to the reality we perceive. Laws of gravity, magnetism, light, energy, matter etc. – those we have studied in our science classes. And the metaphysical laws like that of attraction, of karma and of cause and effect. These are all found at the sixth plane. Virtues are nothing but high vibration thought patterns, which once mastered connect you to the laws and could help mend and heal.

We have been exploring different dimensions of existence. The sixth plane of existence is home to ‘the laws of the universe’ and to ‘the Akashic library’. All are very high-level vibrations of consciousness and of knowledge.

The laws of the universe are governed by virtue and hold the universe together like a thin weave. They give structure to the reality we perceive. Laws of gravity, magnetism, light, energy, matter etc. – those we have studied in our science classes. And the metaphysical laws like that of attraction, of karma and of cause and effect. These are all found at the sixth plane. Virtues are nothing but high vibration thought patterns, which once mastered connect you to the laws and could help mend and heal.

There are many healers who use the knowledge of the sixth plane. People who use sound, light, astrology, numerology, sacred geometry, akashic records etc. are gifted or armed with knowledge of such consciousness and thought forms. They have moved past the illusion of separation of the fifth plane.

Each of these practices are deep and based on scientific knowledge. The common quality to each of them is that they are intangible to the human eye, but perceptible by their existence. They are subtle energies or consciousness.

The Akashic Library for example is the repository of the energetic blueprint of each soul that exists. It carries all the memories, thoughtforms, experiences of the soul across all incarnations. If you are familiar with String Theory, you could relate to the Akashic Library as that database that stores all the information of past, present, and future. Do remember that there is no concept of time at this realm. Time exists only on the human plane. As a seeker one can access these records and gain a subtle but very deep understanding of situations or issues in one’s life – rather soul level truths. The healing then is unique. The soul uses that understanding to move forward and carve a new direction.

This realm is just before or below the realm of the creator or the final plane of existence. Hence, it’s of a very high vibration. Therefore, to access this realm in its true sense for healing and learning – one has to be able to match one’s own energies. Let go of fear, skepticism, barriers, the chatter in your mind. Sit back, relax, be present and receive the knowledge or understanding as we call it. Trust what you receive. Because what you are receiving is healing and guidance from your own records at the sixth plane. It is a very loving realm where you meet your own potential.

Vandana Sinha

Vandana Sinha is an expert in energy consciousness, founder of VanSinha LLC, and a globally recognized spiritual coach and healer. With over 30 years of specialized training in various quantum energy healing techniques, her transformative meditations and coaching programs have empowered souls worldwide. For further inquiries or to experience a personal healing session, contact Vandana today.

I used my modalities for day-to-day practical aspects of my life and for larger purposes. I kept finding new ways of learning, and the universe guided me to different teachers and guides. So over the years, I have learned Reiki, Pranic Healing, Angel Healing, Theta Healing, and Akashic Reading and Healing. I also work with Crystals, Pendulums, Bach Flowers, Tarot Cards, etc.

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