Planes of Existence

January 5, 2023 | By Vandana Sinha

In our Earthly avatar, it would be nice to understand the context of different planes of existence. Beyond our human form, what else are we reckoning with or need to recognize the existence of?

This discussion is only from the context of an Earthly existence and relevant for us on this planet. As there are possibly many parallel universes and solar systems. The context changes with different levels of consciousness and the growth trajectory in those dimensions.

In our Earthly avatar, it would be nice to understand the context of different planes of existence. Beyond our human form, what else are we reckoning with or need to recognize the existence of?

This discussion is only from the context of an Earthly existence and relevant for us on this planet. As there are possibly many parallel universes and solar systems. The context changes with different levels of consciousness and the growth trajectory in those dimensions.

For our understanding, there are seven planes of existence with different levels of vibration, consciousness, and conditioning. They are based on the principles of quantum physics and form the basis of the Theta Healing modality founded by Vianna Stibal. At each plane there is a different level of vibration, and it evolves with every plane.

1. The First Plane – Here we find all the inorganic matter like rocks, crystals, soil, minerals etc found on earth. This is the densest plane and hence its vibrations, though intense, are also heavy.

2. The Second Plane – This has all the organic material found on earth like the plants and trees. A step level above on vibrations and consciousness.

3. The Third Plane – Made up of humans and animals, here as the vibrations become higher, we also see the entry of emotions and desires

4. The Fourth Plane – The spirit realm, the place where we go as we move on from our physical form to the spirit form. Here we also have our ancestors. This plane has a different vibration and consciousness, it’s like a school where we visit our soul’s journey and decide on our next incarnation as per our will and the trajectory of our growth.

5. The Fifth plane - The Angelic realm, that of the divine beings, the evolved souls and our masters, a place where all souls aim to be. There are two levels in this, based on levels of vibrations and consciousness. The higher one, where you find the really evolved souls like Buddha, Jesus etc. The other is a somewhat lower strata where there are souls that are evolved, yet not as much, there is a duality.

6. The Sixth Plane – The seat of the Laws of Universe and The Akashic Library. The laws of the universe are a very high state of consciousness that govern the running of the cosmos. Like the law of magnetism, of gravity, of light etc. And in this same plane we find The Akashic Library. This is the repository of all energetic memories and blueprints of all souls, and of their present and past and of their future possibilities.

7. The Seventh Plane – The highest state of vibration and consciousness, comprising of universal energy or that of the creator of all that it. This is the Theta State. It transcends all levels and is completely unconditional – giving the possibility of complete healing and experiencing divinity once accessed.

Now each of these planes are separated by a layer of beliefs and thoughts, a thin veil as they say. Governed by laws and conditions relevant to that plane. The aim of gaining this knowledge is to achieve a level of consciousness that helps you to understand the workings of the universe at each plane, and to have access to a theta state when looking to evolve in your spiritual journey and for healing. There are no conditions and boundaries in the seventh plane. It’s a place of unconditional love. Once that is accessed, healing is fast and complete.

Vandana Sinha

Vandana Sinha is an expert in energy consciousness, founder of VanSinha LLC, and a globally recognized spiritual coach and healer. With over 30 years of specialized training in various quantum energy healing techniques, her transformative meditations and coaching programs have empowered souls worldwide. For further inquiries or to experience a personal healing session, contact Vandana today.

I used my modalities for day-to-day practical aspects of my life and for larger purposes. I kept finding new ways of learning, and the universe guided me to different teachers and guides. So over the years, I have learned Reiki, Pranic Healing, Angel Healing, Theta Healing, and Akashic Reading and Healing. I also work with Crystals, Pendulums, Bach Flowers, Tarot Cards, etc.

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