The Human Aura

November 2, 2022 | By Vandana Sinha

All matter is in a constant state of flux and vibrating at different levels of frequency. Hence all living and non-living objects emanate different frequencies and have electromagnetic fields around them. The aura is nothing but the energy field around us.

The human aura is elliptical in shape, denser near the physical body and becomes subtle as it expands and moves away. All our positive and negative emotions are stored in the aura, and it will accordingly shrink or expand. Negativity has dense energy, and it will therefore shrink your aura and create blocks. A positive outlook on the other hand, expands the aura and creates harmony. Our emotions and thought process impact the state of the aura all the time.

All matter is in a constant state of flux and vibrating at different levels of frequency. Hence all living and non-living objects emanate different frequencies and have electromagnetic fields around them. The aura is nothing but the energy field around us.

The human aura is elliptical in shape, denser near the physical body and becomes subtle as it expands and moves away. All our positive and negative emotions are stored in the aura, and it will accordingly shrink or expand. Negativity has dense energy, and it will therefore shrink your aura and create blocks. A positive outlook on the other hand, expands the aura and creates harmony. Our emotions and thought process impact the state of the aura all the time.

The color of the aura is also influenced by the current emotional or spiritual state and is linked directly back to the chakras. So, your aura will emanate a particular dominant color depending on the heightened influence of a particular chakra at that time. An ideal state for the aura is to have a white or golden hue, when all your chakras are aligned and no one chakra is dominant. But that is the ideal state, and it requires a lot of practice to reach this ideal situation. In paintings and pictures of saints and celestial beings, we see a halo which is golden or white in color. It is the aura that is depicted in that fashion.

It is possible to take pictures of the aura via Kirlian photography which in turn can be used to diagnose your emotional state. For energy healers this is an additional tool.

We talk a lot about vibes, which in short is the vibrational frequency or aura. We sense good vibes and bad vibes. This really means that you pick the frequency of the place or person at that time. When you get a positive vibe, it implies that your frequency was attracted to that of the other. A negative vibe is when your frequency and that of the other repelled just like in the case of poles of a magnet.

We do pick up energies from people, situations or places that stay in our aura and create imbalance. Hence, it’s important to cleanse and shield your aura and that of your surroundings. There are numerous ways of doing so:

● Positive outlook and affirmations – a general approach that is positive helps clear out any imbalance.

● Breathwork – Deep breathing exercises like ‘Pranayama’ are good ways to release negative energy and replace it with positive

● Incense and Smudging – It is an ancient tradition to burn sage, camphor or incense to clear out energies of homes, spaces and individuals. They help replace bad energy with fresh good energy.

● Salt – Himalayan salt can be used to clear out aura by using a handful in your bath. For spaces, keep a bowl of salt in a corner of
the area you want to cleanse. After a couple of days, you will see that it has changed color and has become murky. Dispose and flush this salt away.

● Meditation – Meditative approaches always clear out imbalances and create harmony.

● Spend time in nature – An energetic reset is possible with a good walk or run in nature’s pristine energy.

● Energy balance and healing – If individual efforts do not help, it’s possible to approach trained healers for this.

Sensing your own aura requires dedicated meditative effort and does not come easy. Most of us live our lives pursuing things in the material and physical world. And are mostly detached with the divine element within us. But the truth is, that it becomes easier to achieve success or manifest material desires as well if we have attained balance in our auras. If you are in a state of harmony and divinity, beautifully aligned to the universe – you will receive what you desire or ask for. Simply because the balanced vibrations allow you to manifest, as there are no blocks! And you do not have to try hard!

Vandana Sinha

Vandana Sinha is an expert in energy consciousness, founder of VanSinha LLC, and a globally recognized spiritual coach and healer. With over 30 years of specialized training in various quantum energy healing techniques, her transformative meditations and coaching programs have empowered souls worldwide. For further inquiries or to experience a personal healing session, contact Vandana today.

I used my modalities for day-to-day practical aspects of my life and for larger purposes. I kept finding new ways of learning, and the universe guided me to different teachers and guides. So over the years, I have learned Reiki, Pranic Healing, Angel Healing, Theta Healing, and Akashic Reading and Healing. I also work with Crystals, Pendulums, Bach Flowers, Tarot Cards, etc.

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