Chakras De-Mystified

October 27, 2022 | By Vandana Sinha

The chakra system has been referred to at length in ancient Indian Vedic texts. It comprises of seven chakras situated in our physical body, starting at the base of the spine, gradually moving upwards, and closing at the top of the head. There are two additional chakras in the etheric body above and below the physical body. Each chakra is a spherical, spinning energy center that creates life force. The function of the chakras is to align the body, mind, and soul. Each chakra influences different aspects of our lives and graduates in a somewhat similar fashion as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

The chakra system has been referred to at length in ancient Indian Vedic texts. It comprises of seven chakras situated in our physical body, starting at the base of the spine, gradually moving upwards, and closing at the top of the head. There are two additional chakras in the etheric body above and below the physical body. Each chakra is a spherical, spinning energy center that creates life force. The function of the chakras is to align the body, mind, and soul. Each chakra influences different aspects of our lives and graduates in a somewhat similar fashion as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

● Root Chakra or Muladhara – Situated at the base of the spine in the pelvic region. This is the seat of survival. Influences trust, finances, stability, relationship with mother. Denoted by the color red.

● Sacral Chakra or Swadhishthana – Situated two inches below the navel. This is the seat of your ‘self’ and reflects self-worth – relationship with yourself. Influences creativity, abundance, well-being, and sexual energy. Denoted by the color orange.

● Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura – Situated at the diaphragm in the upper abdomen. This the seat of self-esteem and confidence – your power center. Influences your relationship with others and how you control your life. Denoted by the color yellow.

● Heart Chakra or Anahata – Situated right at the center of your chest. This is the seat of love and compassion. Influences your love for self and others. Denoted by the color green

● Throat Chakra or Ajna – Situated at your center of your throat. This is the seat of communication and truth. Influences self-expression; your own personal beliefs and values. Denoted by the color blue.

● Third Eye Chakra or Vishuddha – Situated between your brows and extending into your pineal gland. This is the seat of wisdom and intuition. Influences how you look at things and your imagination. Denoted by the color Indigo.

● Crown Chakra or Sahasrara – Situated at the top of your head. The seat of spiritual understanding or pure consciousness. Influences our spiritual growth, relationship with the universe and creator. Denoted by the color Violet.

There are two other chakras that are in our etheric body and complete the chakra system.

● Soul Star Chakra – Situated twelve inches above the crown. The seat of our soul - connecting to the higher self. Gateway to divine love and spiritual wisdom. Denoted by the color white.

● Earth Star Chakra – situated twelve inches below the feet aligned to your spinal cord. The seat of connectedness – connects you to mother earth, to the crystalline grid and the earth’s magnetic core. Keeps you grounded, centered and connected to your past lives. Provides stability to your etheric body. Denoted by color black, brown – the colors of the earth.

Imbalance in your chakras

Your chakras could either have excess or depleted flow of energy leading to imbalance. When depleted, that chakra will have difficulty expressing its qualities and when overactive those qualities become dominant in your life.

It is possible to balance your chakras with regular meditation, breathing exercises and yoga.

Vandana Sinha

Vandana Sinha is an expert in energy consciousness, founder of VanSinha LLC, and a globally recognized spiritual coach and healer. With over 30 years of specialized training in various quantum energy healing techniques, her transformative meditations and coaching programs have empowered souls worldwide. For further inquiries or to experience a personal healing session, contact Vandana today.

I used my modalities for day-to-day practical aspects of my life and for larger purposes. I kept finding new ways of learning, and the universe guided me to different teachers and guides. So over the years, I have learned Reiki, Pranic Healing, Angel Healing, Theta Healing, and Akashic Reading and Healing. I also work with Crystals, Pendulums, Bach Flowers, Tarot Cards, etc.

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